“Quarantine brought a whole new feeling towards the idea of home and it’s physical space. Gratitude for a safe, peaceful, and warm home brought feelings of contentment that led to more noticing. I began noticing the details and small distinctions of each room or space from hour to hour and day to day. The way that light woke up a room, highlighted objects, created shadows, and fell off into darkness kept my eyes intrigued and always looking. The isolation of our home in the country brought feelings of freedom that we could get outside to play and explore. The possibilities of experience, combined with beautiful spring weather, took us out in the yard, in the garden, and on walks almost daily. Seasons changed and brought with it a magic show of color and longer days. Seeing the wide space, then narrowing in on segments, and finally investigating the details pushed the noticing. See more. Look harder. Be mindful. Notice.”
JUNE 2020
Find more of Rachel’s work on her website and Instagram.
Follow the gallery at @secondstreetgallery.